On September 20th-22nd, at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies – NUTECH will be held. This triannual conference provides a platform for the nuclear science community to share the experience and to learn about the recent developments achieved in nuclear research and their practical applications.
During the conference on September 22nd at 9 AM, there will be a special session entirely devoted to the DEsire project. Speeches are planned by representatives of the Silesian University of Technology, the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology and Energoprojekt Katowice, taking part in the work under the DEsire project.
Politechnika Śląska
ul. Akademicka 2A
44-100 Gliwice, Polska
Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska
ul. Wawelska 52/54,
00-922 Warszawa, Polska
Energoprojekt-Katowice SA
ul. Jesionowa 15
40-159 Katowice, Polska
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
ul.Dorodna 16
03-195 Warszawa, Polska
Instytut Sobieskiego
Lipowa 1a/20
00-316 Warszawa, Polska