Task 1: Identification and analysis of the national energy infrastructure in terms of its adaptation in the modernization process with use of generation III / III + and IV nuclear reactors (Energoprojekt-Katowice) – (IR 15 months)
Task 2: An integrated model for energy and economic assessment of generation III / III + and IV nuclear reactors implementation in the process of power units decarbonisation (Silesian University of Technology) – DW (18 months)
Task 3: Organization and safety of the modernization and operation process of power plants and power units with generation III / III + and IV nuclear reactors (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology) – DW (15 months)
Task 4: Procedures for the modernization of domestic power plants and power units with use of generation III / III + and IV nuclear reactors (Energoprojekt-Katowice) (15 months)
Task 5: Social diagnosis and preparation of analytical materials supporting the implementation of the power units modernization plan with use of generation III / III + and IV nuclear reactors (Sobieski Institute) (18 months)
Task 6: Preparation for practical application of the project results – Power Industry Transformation Cluster pilot (Silesian University of Technology) (18 months)
Task 7: Preparation of power plants and power units modernization plan with use of generation III / III + and IV nuclear reactors (Ministry of Climate and Environment) (18 months)
Politechnika Śląska
ul. Akademicka 2A
44-100 Gliwice, Polska
Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska
ul. Wawelska 52/54,
00-922 Warszawa, Polska
Energoprojekt-Katowice SA
ul. Jesionowa 15
40-159 Katowice, Polska
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
ul.Dorodna 16
03-195 Warszawa, Polska
Instytut Sobieskiego
Lipowa 1a/20
00-316 Warszawa, Polska